Visited by three spirits.......
Understatements of the century shall include but are not limited to the following: 1) Things have been busy. 2) I’ve been thinking……. 3) Wait, wait now…..I’m confused. 4) Red wine is a good thing. 5) I’m one of the luckiest girls in the world. Life post-Korea is nothing that I thought it would be, could be, should be. It is more and less at the exact same time. It is more confusing then I thought it would be, full of strange contradictions that leave me breathless at times. There are moments I downright long for Asia and its mixture of reliable frustration and insanity. There are moments I count my lucky stars that I made it home when I did and knew that the time had come to say goodbye. And then there are the moments that I feel gobsmaked by the overwhelming pull I feel in both directions. Travel is a potent drug, and the realization, nay, the knowledge that a change, an adventure, an escape is as simple as a plane ticket away can be an intoxicating inclination. Mucking your way thro...