A New Resolve
First of all, I’m an ass. Just wanted to get that one out of the way. My upkeep with my writing has been, as of late, disgustingly absent and guiltily back-burner-ed. Life has been getting in the way, so what else is new. It’s all suffering, my journal, my blog, even the articles I’ve been writing for the Korean Herald have not been given the attention I wish to devote to them. Writing in Korea has been something that has greatly contributed to me not losing my fucking patience/mind/will to live (at times). Therefore. I am making a five-month-into-the-new-year resolution: I will henceforth be giving the aforementioned prose a little more tender loving care, with the idea being to allow myself a little more “me” time, something I’ve also been lacking as of late. And speaking of late….since when did it get to be May? Spring is in full swing here in Korea and with reports of my hometown being swathed in snow, I am welcoming this season with open arms. Spring is by far my favorite season, ...